Corporate Responsibility – In The Community

Corporate Responsibility - Fraser Valley NowCorporate Responsibility is everyone’s responsibility. We are a local and regional company that provides information about the Fraser Valley community. We live in that same community we promote and also shop, visit and enjoy the same amazing things it has to offer.

At Fraser Valley Now, we recognize as a company that we can have a positive impact on our local community. Our daily actions impact our clients, our partners, and those seeking our informational services online. One goal of our company is to live and operate Fraser Valley Now in a socially and environmentally sustainable manner.

Our company’s daily actions extend beyond philanthropic activities with the integration of those activities into our overall business goals. Social responsibility is in the forefront of our daily exposure.

The Fraser Valley Now Resource corporate mission statement to be “Your One Stop Community Resource” is only scratching the service. Our involvement within our community involves business and organization promotion and exposure.

From attending community fundraisers to volunteering to promoting that special event which needs an extra coverage push. We strive to achieve personal and professional growth through responsible business practices and standards.

Fraser Valley Now embraces diversity within our Canadian Community and beyond our borders. Inclusion for all to participate in life, activities, and possess equal rights are at the top of our list. Recognizing human rights locally we actively engage within our community through volunteering and community service.

Fraser Valley Now actively protects the local natural environment through our actions and policies.


Corporate Responsibility: Direct Action Directive

2% of all Net  Profits are administered to local not for profit community programs that strengthen the community through child protection and welfare.

If you would like to know more about our direct action directive, please contact us using the main contact form.

If you have a local charity event, let us know about it so we can promote it through our event calendar.

Who Do We Sponsor…….

Fraser Valley Now is currently not a direct sponsor of any organization as we are going through some corporate changes. We support a variety of different organizations through publicity and media coverage.

If you have an event you would like us to be a media sponsor for, please do contact us through our online form.

Fraser Valley Now - Community Resource

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