Minor Sports Abbotsford – Organizations

There are many Minor Sports Abbotsford Associations that cater to several different age groups. Sports for kids provides so many life lessons and opportunities for them. Expanding social networks, improve their health and well-being, and sports can also assist in providing them a sense of achievement. Youth sports have so many benefits which are nearly endless but include team building skills, leadership, problem solving skills, decision making, and healthy competitiveness. Minor Sports Abbotsford provides all of these elements and more.

Some sports are out of reach for many children in Canada due to cost and it is unfortunate that this is a reality. There are many organizations that do assist with youth sports and those groups provide assistance to those requiring it. A couple of organizations that benefit youth sports are Jumpstart, a Canadian Tire initiative and another is Tim Hortons Timbits Minor Sports Programs.

If you belong to a local minor sports Abbotsford association and we have not listed your organization below, please let us know through our contact us page online form.


Abbotsford Minor Hockey - Fraser ValleyAbbotsford Minor Hockey – Minor Sports Abbotsford

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 114
Abbotsford, BC
V2T 6Z5

Physical Address:
Abbotsford Centre
33800 King Road
(down the stairs, turn right, office on left hand side)

Website: http://www.abbotsfordminorhockey.ca
Email Address: amha@abbotsfordminorhockey.ca
Phone Number: 604-852-8295
Fax Number: 1-866-418-2494

Hockey Arena Locations: AC – Abbotsford Centre; ARC – Abbotsford Recreation Centre; CIB & CIR – Centre Ice Blue & Red Rinks ; MSA – MSA Arena


Abbotsford Ice - Abbotsford Female Hockey


Abbotsford Female Hockey Association

33771 George Ferguson Way, #476
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada. V2S 2M5

Website: http://www.abbotsfordfemalehockey.com
Registration: http://www.abbotsfordfemalehockey.com/registration/



Abbotsford Minor Fastball Association

Abbotsford Minor Fastball Association

Box 552,
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada. V2T 6Z8

Website: http://www.amfa.ca




Abbotsford Rugby Club - Abbotsford Minor SportsAbbotsford Rugby Football Club

31929 Mercantile Way
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada. V2T 4C3
Phone: 604-859-3399
Fax: 604-859 3360

ARFC Home Field:
CFV Exhibition Park
32315 Haida Drive,
Abbotsford, B.C.

Website: http://www.abbotsfordrugby.com/




Abbotsford Falcons Football AssociationAbbotsford Falcons Football Association

PO Box 8000, Unit 635,
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada. V2S 6H1

Website: https://www.abbotsfordfalcons.org
Email: abbotsfordfalcons@outlook.com




Abbotsford Soccer Association - Fraser ValleyAbbotsford Soccer Association

34645 Prior Avenue
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada. V2S 6E9

Phone: 604-859-3033
Website: http://abbotsfordsoccer.com

Mailing Address:
PO Box 492,
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada. V2T 6Z7




Fraser Valley Youth SoccerFraser Valley Youth Soccer Association

P.O. Box 3
Chilliwack, British Columbia,
Canada. V2P 7H3

Phone: 604-792-0090
Website: http://www.fvysa.ca




Royal Soccer Club - Abbotsford Minor SportsRoyal Soccer Club – Summer Camps

2630 McAdam Road,
Abbotsford, British Columbia,
Canada. V2S 7J4

Phone: 1-800-427-0536
Fax: 1-888-639-5957
Email: info@royalsoccer.com
Website: https://royalsoccer.com/our-camps/locations/british-columbia/

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